Many people never watch their weight and this could lead to many things that could damage health. To stay fit, many people go to the gym to work out or exercise in their own home. To stay fit, you can, also, eat healthy foods, like apples, pears, oranges (etc..) What you may do is drink more water, go jogging, eat more fruity meals, like oatmeal with blueberries and yogurt. You can, also, drink juice smoothies, do some deep breathing and stretch daily, in the morning. Also, read nutrition labels. Rather than fry things, broil them. Also, eat fish once a week. Drink low-calorie drinks, like unsweetened tea and eat salads with a bit of meat. Improving your sleep helps too, as well as eating breakfast. Not many people have cereal in the morning. This can increase stress of the brain. Eating more junk foods, daily, can cause diabetes and heart diseases that cause early death. Eating junk food would lead to depression, such as thinking of committing suicide. Sitting in front of a screen counts as bad health and you may lose your eyesight, if sitting in front of a screen for more than an hour, regularly. Getting a massage can decrease stress in your body and junk food gums up your lungs and is bad for your heart. Using toxins, in your household, can be dangerous for you. Not using salt is a good way to improve your health. Check your posture level and increase your metabolism. When going to the 6th floor, do NOT take the elevator. Take the stairs. It will get your blood pumping and is great exercise for the legs and knees!
Stick to a daily routine in the morning and check your weight, once in a while, to be in stable condition. You can meditate and hug someone you love. Hugging someone you love can help you release the feel-good hormones in the body, such as oxytocin, that help with curbing depression. Having direct sunlight, outside, is great. Eat more garlic which cleans 99% of the body, causes great circulation, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Smoking and drinking are counted as dangerous for your health. Over the past 5 years, obesity is everywhere. Get vaccinated and get flu shots when supposed to. Have a warm bath, with epsom salt. It relaxes your body and is good heart health. Stop! Go outside and smell the flowers. The flowers relax you, have original essential oils and you will be exposed to the natural aroma of the flowers. Do NOT eat sugary foods, while on a diet. This can cause serious damage to your lungs. Take your daily vitamins, because skipping a week would not be good for your health. Biking or an exercise machine is great for cardiovascular exercise.
Track what you eat, with the app myfitnesspal and you can check how many calories burned and how you are doing. That will give you motivation.