Health is when you take care of yourself and your body, preventing illnesses which sometimes may result in death. Time management is, basically, being able to take control of your time efficiently. Health and time management combine into a very interesting topic. Health is a necessity of life. If someone manage what to eat and how to eat it, meaning the quantity and the time they eat, it can result in a positive lifestyle.
Someone whom follows an healthy lifestyle would follow the Canadian food guide which would be eating fruits and vegetables, such as apples, oranges, peaches, berries, plums and mango, vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes and carrots. Other food groups are grain product, milk, meat and alternatives. Once you eat the right proportions, depending on your health conditions and with proper time management, it can result in being healthy. Health conditions, such as diabetes, require a specific quantity to be taken and at the right time of the day. If time management were not initiated, the glucose level can drop, significantly, or increase, resulting in illnesses, such as kidney failure, heart condition, stroke and death. If someone eat a full meal at bed time, that is bad time management, because the body cannot digest food quickly while it is at rest which can lead to obesity. Take control of your health, by proper time management