My name is Shawn Creelman. I am 37 years of age and legally deafblind.
I take the time for my health to feel better, by going for walks, for about 30 minutes every other day, sometimes longer. I bake/cook most of my meals. I find baking items such as bread, cookies, pizza, shortbread and cakes are therapeutic for me, especially in winter, as it smells nice and gives me that feeling that I accomplish something good with my time and it allows me to share some of my food. I, rarely, eat out and make a favourite food every day. I shop around, at the beginning of each month, to fill my fridge/cupboards up with good local and organic foods, to save time for the rest of the month. I take the time to go out with friends, a few times per week, for pool and karaoke which both I enjoy and do well. I take the time to volunteer, in the community, for the Leslieville Farmers Market and soon a vegetarian food bank. If I use the services for free, I like to give back, by volunteering if I can. I like to socialize with friends, by sharing my food and interests. I, also, enjoy watching some Netflix, during the winter and eating air-popped popcorn with some olive oil and nutritional yeast.