Hi, my name is Shalldon Samuda and I will be telling you a little about the importance of health. Health is very important. At school, I am learning about the food pyramid. On the pyramid there are the fats, oils and sweets and you should use them sparingly. Next is the dairy which has milk, yogurt and cheese and for this you should take 2-3 serving a day. Next are the meats and proteins which have meat, poultry, fish, egg and nuts. You should get 2-3 servings of that a day. The last one is grains and in grains there are rice, noodles, bread, potatoes, cereal, beans and pasta and you should get 6-11 servings a day. If you want to stay healthy, you, also, need to get a good night’s sleep and exercise. Junk is not so good, when you eat too much. There are some things that make you healthy and I will tell you them. One is carbohydrates and that is your main source of energy. Fats are packed with energy, ready to keep you going. Vitamins are to keep your skin and your eyes healthy. Protein is to build or repair cells in your body. Minerals make your teeth and bones healthy. Water helps to bring all the other stuff to the cells. A lot of people don’t take care of their health and they smoke. Smoking is not a good idea to do. It goes to your lungs and it messes them up. Smoking is not a fun thing to do. If I were you I would stop or don’t try it. Try to not go around things that stress you. When you keep doing something that stresses you, you might not live as long as you think. Try to stay away from oily foods and candy. You shouldn’t eat a lot of McDonalds and don’t go to candy shops. Health is really important. My name is Shalldon Samuda and this is my essay about health.