Health & Time Management By: Jonathan Samuda »

Lots of people have trouble with both health and time management. I know it’s hard to manage both of them at the same

Health and Time Management By: Raheem Samms »

Health and time management

Today’s problem, in the world, is that people pollute the environment by being lazy or maybe smoking – which

The State of Canada’s First Nations’ Children By: Naftali Sadikov »

Hello, my name is Naftali and I’m going to talk a little bit about Canada first nation’s children. Did you know that the

The State of Canada’s First Nations’ Children By: Gabriel Torres Recinos »

Many of the First Nations children are greatly affected by the fact of their parents attending residential schools, so the parent’s don’t know

Health and Time Management By: Marissa Ramlochan »

Many people never watch their weight and this could lead to many things that could damage health. To stay fit, many people go

Health and Time Management By: Aaron Rajaram »

Today’s problem, in the world, is that people pollute the environment (by smoking) which isn’t good for your health and causes health problems

The State of Canada’s First Nations’ Children By: Januson Rajakumar »

The First Nation people have an unique way of living that reflects their ideals, religion and culture. The First Nations groups, whom initially

The State of Canada’s First Nations’ Children By: Janisha Rajakumar »

I am going to talk about the First Nations people. Did you know the Algonquins used to travel on boats to go to

The State of Canada’s First Nations’ Children By: Heidi Preston »

The term “First Nations” is a general term used, to describe Aboriginal people who are neither Métis nor Inuit. First Nations people, often,

Health and Time Management By: Akber Osmani »

Sport is a subject which you can use with time management and health. Firstly, sports can give you muscles and is better than