Racism! By: Noel Farrell »

No one is born racist… it is un-nurtured in!

Racism is a curse

Upon the generation

Of those whom practice it.

It is

The First Nations’ Children By: Destiny Wood »

Some of the First Nations’ Children live in Nunivut. It’s cold and it snows there. Also, the First Nations’ Children don’t eat the

Essay on Health By: Sekia Walcott »

Health is the state of being free from illness or injury. It is, also, a person’s mental or physical condition. Good health is

Health and Time Management By: Rajeen Uthayachandran »

Lots of people have trouble with both health and time management. I know it’s hard to manage both of them at the same

Health and Time Management By: Pavithran Thangavadivelu »

In today’s fast developing society, individuals have a difficult time maintaining their health, because they are unable to balance their personal life and

The State of Canada’s First Nation’s Children By: Lilaani Thangavadivelu »

The Aboriginal community continues to recover from the years of struggle it has faced.  Residential schools, the banning of cultural events, promised but

The First Nations’ Children By: Taye – Shawn »

Who are we?

The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada (the Caring Society) was developed at a national meeting of

Health and Time Management By: Shania Singh »

You need to be able to keep track of time, because it is very important. Getting work done late and not having lots

Health and Time Management By Shalldon Samuda »

Hi, my name is Shalldon Samuda and I will be telling you a little about the importance of health. Health is very important.

Health and Time Management By: Kasman Samuda »

Lots of people have trouble with both health and time management. I know it’s hard to manage both of them at the same