Racism! By: Noel Farrell

No one is born racist… it is un-nurtured in!

Racism is a curse

Upon the generation

Of those whom practice it.

It is passed on, like a family recipe, at the dinner table

Practice makes permanent…

Good practice makes perfect!

There is nothing good in racism!

It is a blight

Upon the face of the earth!

It is a bad fungus on life…

Unlike the mold, on bread…

Which may produce something good…

Something life-saving, like penicillin!

No one benefits from racism…

No growth comes of it.

No one, truly, benefits!

No one, truly, prospers because of it!

In fact, it kills emotions

Which are intrinsic to the nature of being human!

Love, sharing, caring, hope all die!

It replaces the natural

With toxic, hateful, unsustaining turmoil

And latches itself to a deep dark emotion

Which buries everything good…

Good in us…Good about us…Good for us human!

Someone once said, “People should be more human!”

How about just being “human”… being just and fair!

There is one race…the human race!

Racism is not genetic…

It can be eradicated from the texture of the universe!

No one is born racist!