Health and Time Management By: Jade John

Health is preventing illness to occur in your body. Time management is the way you plan things out in the amount of time you have provided. So health and time management are ways you plan to manage your health during the day. You can manage your health, by exercising and not eating a lot of junk food. There is a lot of ways you can manage your health. I will be talking about some of them but that’s not all the ways.


One way you can manage your health is by exercising. Exercising is setting a time that is within your daily schedule, to get some physical activities. Exercising, after meals, is the best time, to prevent weight gain. If you eat a meal right before you go to bed, it can, also, cause weight gain, because you don’t get any physical active to burn off the calories of the food you just ate.


Another way you can manage your health, during the day, is by eating the right portion of food from each food group. If you eat a little more than you usually do, one day, it won’t harm you. If you control your diet with healthy and unhealthy food, it is, actually, better than eating more unhealthy food than healthy. Eating the right portion of food can make a huge difference in your life. Control the way you eat, before it is too late.


It is our responsibility to manage our health, during the day. Too much junk food can make a big impact in our lives. Not eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can, also, make a huge impact in our lives. Not exercising can be a make it or break it decision. Exercising should be in everybody’s life, even if it were not your favorite. All these examples will make a difference. Take care of your health, now, before it’s too late.